About me

My name is Will, and I’m a songwriter and music producer that has come to know God. I have thought, said, and done many awful things; but I’ve been forgiven and freed from regret because of Jesus. I still struggle with my beliefs. I wrestle with things the Bible says. I get angry at God. But he treats me like his friend, even when I don’t. Hallelujah. I aspire to be an honest, transparent person; to know Christ; to be generous, kind, and faithful. Self-promotion is cancer in the soul of every artist, so I cherish the fact that, one day, I will die and be forgotten by this world, but God’s justice and kindness will remain. He will receive me in His kingdom. Until then, I pray that I write eager, honest, unstained songs that reflect this usually-gritty, sometimes-gruesome, always-beautiful life of faith I’ve been given. Welcome.