is a songwriter and producer in ATLANTA with a passion for great lyrics and interesting sounds. this is the website where you can find his music, merch, events, and more.LISTEN TO MY DISCOGRAPHY → YOU NEVER WILL YOU NEVER WILL YOU NEVER WILL TUESDAY NIGHTS TUESDAY NIGHTS TUESDAY NIGHTS EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE HERE BENEATH THE CROSS HERE BENEATH THE CROSS HERE BENEATH THE CROSS THE CROCUS THE CROCUS THE CROCUS SHEMA VOL. 2 SHEMA VOL. 2 SHEMA VOL. 2 KING OF THE DESPAIRING KING OF THE DESPAIRING KING OF THE DESPAIRING BLOOD AND BONES BLOOD AND BONES BLOOD AND BONES SHEMA VOL. 1 SHEMA VOL. 1 SHEMA VOL. 1 HUMMINGBIRD HUMMINGBIRD HUMMINGBIRD Hi - I love to write songs about things that are important to me. Take a look around my site; i hope it brings you some joy- and if you’d like to work on a project together, go find me on the contact page!- wc